Survey Metadata




Biogeochemical survey, NTS 64L, 74I, northern Saskatchewan, 1980-1982.

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Survey Description

In the summers of 1980 and 1981, black spruce twigs were collected on a regional scale across the NEA/IAEA Test Area in the Athabasca Basin.  The latest ten years of growth were collected.  In 1981, sampling began near the community of Southend, about 200 km south of McClean Lake.  It continued at intervals of 10 km northward as far as the Geikie River, than at 5 km intervals to Minor Bay (south end of Wollaston Lake), and at 2 km intervals to Rabbit Lake.  The 1981 sampling defined the southern and western extent of a 10 ppm U contour.

In the 1982 regional study around Wollaston Lake, black spruce twigs were collected from 80 sites covering an area of about 14,000 km2 in order to supplement data previously collected in the area.

A summary of the work can be found in Saskatchewan Geological Survey Miscellaneous Report 82-4 and GSC Paper 82-11.

Data Description:

Paper report with some data lists.

Quantities Analysed:

Ashed vegetation samples were analysed for U by INAA (with delayed neutron counting).

Geochem Maps Available:

Contour map for uranium.

Publication History

Index Publication
1 Dunn, C.E. (1981). Reconnaissance level and detailed surveys in the exploration for uranium by a biogeochemical method. In Summary of Investigations 1981. Saskatchewan Geological Survey, Miscellaneous Report 81-4, p. 117-126. ( more)
2 Dunn, C.E. (1982). Further investigations on uranium biogeochemistry in northern Saskatchewan. In Summary of Investigations 1982, Saskatchewan Geological Survey. Miscellaneous Report 82-4, p. 86-90. ( more)
3 Dunn, C.E. (1982). The massive Wollaston uranium biogeochemical anomaly in the boreal forest of northern Saskatchewan, Canada. In Proceedings of the Symposium on Uranium Exploration Methods. Review of the NEA/IAEA R & D Programme. Paris, 1st-4th June 1982. Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development. P. 477-491 ( more)
4 Dunn, C.E. (1982). Uranium biogeochemistry of the NEA/IAEA Athabasca Test Area. In Uranium Exploration in Athabasca Basin, Saskatchewan, Canada, E.M. Cameron (ed.). Geological Survey of Canada, Paper 82-11, p. 127-132. ( more)

Project History

Index Year Project
1 1978-1982 NEA-IAEA Test Area Program, northern Saskatchewan, 1978-1982 ( more)

Geographic Extent

Minimum Latitude Maximum Latitude Minimum Longitude Maximum Longitude
57.88° 59° -105° -102.83°

The geographic extent of the survey is defined by the following polygons:

  • Covers parts of the western portion of NTS 64L (Wollaston Lake), the eastern portion of 74I (Pasfield Lake), and small portions of 64E (Compulsion Bay) and 74H (Geikie River), the NEA/IAEA Test Area, northern Saskatchewan.  It includes the McClean, Rabbit, Midwest and JEB uranium deposits, west of Wollaston Lake.  It is bounded to the north by latitude 59°N.


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