Survey Metadata

Soil, Till

Nova Scotia


Soil and till sampling, NTS 11E/2, Halifax county, central Nova Scotia, 1982.

Location map

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Survey Description

A total of five days was spent in the Fifteen Mile gold district, Halifax county, Nova Scotia in November of 1982.  Samples of A, B and C horizons were collected at 21 sites along two trenches, approximately 90 and 100 m long respectively which are oriented N-S and perpendicular to the strike of the host strata.  Samples were collected at 10 m intervals.  A discussion of the work can be found in Dalhousie University B.Sc. thesis (MacEachern).

Data Description:

Paper report.

Quantities Analysed:

A-horizon samples for Au by AAS after aqua regia digestion. B-horizon for Pb by AAS after hot HNO3-HCl; for As by spectrophotometric comparison against standards; for Au by AAS after aqua regia digestion; and for Ag (no method given).  Four size fractions of the C-horizon samples were analysed for Pb, As, Au and Ag using the same methods listed above for the B-horizon samples.

Geochem Maps Available:


Other Analyses:

HMC for gold grain work (electron microprobe and XRD techniques).

Publication History

Index Publication
1 MacEachern, I.J. (1983). The distribution, character and composition of gold in till at the Fifteen Mile Stream gold district, Halifax County, Nova Scotia. B.Sc. thesis, Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada, 61 p. ( more)

Geographic Extent

Minimum Latitude Maximum Latitude Minimum Longitude Maximum Longitude
45.1322° 45.134° -62.521° -62.518°

The geographic extent of the survey is defined by the following polygons:

  • Covers part of NTS 11E/2 (Upper Musquodoboit) in central Nova Scotia.  It is centred on the Fifteen Mile Stream gold district which is located 32 km north of Sheet Harbour and lies within the Liscomb Game Sanctuary near the boundary of Halifax and Guysborough Counties.


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