GSC Open File Release Notices

Archived information

The text below is an exact reproduction of the original release notice, which was often unilingual.  It contains information that is not readily available elsewhere.  The information on pricing and availability is out of date.

Release Notice Text


National geochemical reconnaissance stream sediment and water survey, Bathurst Island, Northwest Territories (parts of/parties de 68G, H, 69A, B, 79); W.A. Spirito, M.M. McCurdy, P.W.B. Friske


1 disk (IBM 3.5) containing a number of dBASE 4 data files along with the same data in ASCII comma-delineated format. This open file is a digital release of field and analytical data from sediments and waters collected in 1997.

Une disquette (IBM 3,5 po), fichiers des données formats dBASE 4 et ASCII (champs délimités par des virgules). Le présent dossier public regroupe les données de terrain et les résultats d'analyse des échantillons de sédiments et d'eau recueillis en 1997.

Contribution to Bathurst Island Mineral and Energy Resource Assessment (MERA) Project.

Contribution au projet d'évaluation des ressources minérales et énergétiques (ÉRMÉ) de I'île Bathurst.

Release date/Date de diffusion: 27 January/janvier 1998, 11h30 ET/HE

Viewing/Consultation: Chief Geologist's Office/Bureau du géologue principal, Yellowknife

Sales/Distributeur: GSC/CGC (Ottawa)

Price/Prix: $75.00 (*$97.50)


{#1078, January 1998 circular}


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