GSC Open File Release Notices

Archived information

The text below is an exact reproduction of the original release notice, which was often unilingual.  It contains information that is not readily available elsewhere.  The information on pricing and availability is out of date.

Release Notice Text

3260a, b, c


National geochemical reconnaissance-Labrador compilation: distribution of copper in 18 839 lake sediment samples and 1244 stream sediment samples.


National geochemical reconnaissance-Labrador compilation: distribution of nickel in 18 839 lake sediment samples and 1244 stream sediment samples.


National geochemical reconnaissance-Labrador compilation: distribution of zinc in 18 839 lake sediment samples and 1244 stream sediment samples.

P.W.B. Friske, M.W. McCurdy, S.J.A. Day, 1 colour map/carte en couleurs, scale/échelle 1:1 000 000 (parts of/parties de 12-14, 22-25).


Proportional spots are overlain on a recent geology compilation to illustrate relative concentrations of individual elements in drainage sediments throughout Labrador (a total of 15 elements to be released by March 1977). A contribution to Canada-Newfoundland Cooperation Agreement on Mineral Development Agreement (1990-1994), a subsidiary agreement under the Canada-Newfoundland Economic and Regional Development.

Des points de valeurs proportionnelles sont superposés sur une compilation récente de la géologie afin d'illustrer les concentrations relatives d'éléments particuliers dans les sédiments de cours d'eau au Labrador (des données sur 15 éléments seront diffusées d'ici mars 1997). Contribution à l'Entente Canada-Terre-Neuve sur l'exploitation minérale (1990-1994), entente auxiliaire négociée en vertu de l'Entente Canada-Terre-Neuve de développement économique et régional.

Viewing/Consultation: Newfoundland Department of Natural Resources, St. John's

Sales/Distributeur: GSC/CGC (Ottawa)

Price/Prix: $30.00 (*$39.00) each/chaque


{#1058, May 1996 circular}


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