GSC Open File Release Notices
Archived information
The text below is an exact reproduction of the original release notice, which was often unilingual. It contains information that is not readily available elsewhere. The information on pricing and availability is out of date.
Release Notice Text
Release of digital file of regional lake sediment geochemical data for the Bear-Slave operation, District of Mackenzie, Northwest Territories; W.A. Spirito, C.C. Durham, E.M. Cameron
Please note that this open file has errors in some rock codes and site coordinates. If you purchased this open file, please return your diskettes with shippping information to the Geological Survey of Canada, Ottawa and you will be sent an updated version. |
Prière de noter que ce dossier public contient des erreurs dans les codes d'identification des roches et les coordonnées des sites. Si vous avez fait l'achat de ce dossier, veuillez nous retourner les disquettes avec votre adresse de retour à la Commission géologique du Canada à Ottawa, et nous vous renverrons une version corrigée. |
{#1025, May/June 1993 circular}
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