GSC Open File Release Notices

Archived information

The text below is an exact reproduction of the original release notice, which was often unilingual.  It contains information that is not readily available elsewhere.  The information on pricing and availability is out of date.

Release Notice Text


Release of digital file of regional lake sediment geochemical data for the Bear-Slave operation, district of Mackenzie, Northwest Territories; W.A. Spirito, C.C. Durham, E.M. Cameron; (76B-G, 86A-C, 86F-H; 64.5°-66°N; 106° - 118°W) 2 diskettes


These data collected in 1973 were released as GSC Paper 72-50 and GSC Maps 9-1972 to 15-1972. Sample site map is Map 16-1972. This release also includes the following elements: Ag, Co, Hg, Mo, Ti, Ba, Cr, Be, V, Zn, Y, La, Li, Mg, Ca, Sr, As, and a list of 37 follow-up publications.

Ces données, prises en 1973, ont été diffusées par l’Étude 72-50 de la CGC et illustrée par les cartes 9-1972 à 15-1972. Pour la localisation des sites d’échantillonnage se référer à la cartes 16-1972. Cette accession aux données inclue les éléments suivants : Ag, Co, Hg, Mo, Ti, Ba, Cr, Be, V, Zn, Y, La, Li, Mg, Ca, Sr, As, et une liste de 37 publications complémentaires.


Sales/distributeur: GSC/CGC, Ottawa

Price/prix: $25.00


{#998, July 1990 circular}


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