GSC Open File Release Notices

Archived information

The text below is an exact reproduction of the original release notice, which was often unilingual.  It contains information that is not readily available elsewhere.  The information on pricing and availability is out of date.

Release Notice Text


Transport and attenuation of arsenic, cobalt and nickel in an alkaline environment (Cobalt, Ontario); J.B. Percival, Y.T.J. Kwong, C.G. Dumaresq, F.A. Michel, 1 CD-ROM containing a 30-page report in .pdf format plus data appendices in both .pdf and .xls formats.

Viewing:GSC Ottawa; GSC Calgary; GSC Pacific (Vancouver); GSC Atlantic; Ontario Geological Survey, Toronto; Ontario Geological Survey, Sudbury

Sales:GSC Ottawa

Price: $20.00 (Canada), $26.00 (outside Canada)


Transport and attenuation of arsenic, cobalt and nickel in an alkaline environment (Cobalt, Ontario); J.B. Percival, Y.T.J. Kwong, C.G. Dumaresq, F.A. Michel, 1 CD-ROM renfermant un rapport de 30 pages en format .pdf ainsi que des données en annexe en formats .pdf et .xls.

Consultation:CGC–Ottawa; CGC–Calgary; CGC–Pacifique (Vancouver); CGC–Atlantique; Commission géologique de l'Ontario, Sudbury; Commission géologique de l'Ontario, Toronto


Prix : 20,00 $ (Canada), 26,00 $ (autres pays)


February 2004 circular


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