GSC Open File Release Notices
Archived information
The text below is an exact reproduction of the original release notice, which was often unilingual. It contains information that is not readily available elsewhere. The information on pricing and availability is out of date.
Release Notice Text
The following geochemical maps were prepared as a contribution to the Canada-Nova Scotia Co-operative Mineral Program 1981-1984. They are being released on June 25, 1986 at 1300h EDT (and equivalent local times). They can be viewed only at GSC Ottawa and at Nova Scotia Department of Mines and Energy, Halifax (NSDME). They can be purchased from Precision Microfilming in Halifax. |
Les cartes géochimiques suivantes ont été dressées comme contribution au Programme coopératif sur les minéraux Canada-Nouvelle-Écosse 1981-84. Elles seront diffusées le 25 juin 1986 à 1300h HAE (et aux heures locales équivalentes). Elles seront accessibles pour la consultation à la Commission géologique à Ottawa et au ministère des Mines et de l'Énergie (Nova Scotia Department of Mines and Energy - NSDME) à Halifax. Ces cartes sont en vente chez Precious Microfilming à Halifax. |
Stream sediment and stream water geochemical maps, Nova Scotia (sediments; Cu, Pb, Zn, Ag, Fe, Mn, Co, Ni, As, Mo, Hg, U; waters: U, pH, F; sample location map); 1:50 000
GSC/CGC | Map Area/Feuille | NSDME No./N o |
1244 |
11E/12 Oxford |
OFM 86-11 |
1245 |
11E/13 Pugwash |
OFM 86-12 |
1246 |
11E/14 Malagash |
OFM 86-13 |
1247 |
11E/15 Pictou Island |
OFM 86-14 |
1248 |
21H/16 Amherst (E/2) |
OFM 86-15 |
1249 |
21H/16 Amherst (W/2) |
OFM 86-16 |
1250 |
21H/10 Alma |
OFM 86-17 |
1251 |
21H/09 Springhill |
OFM 86-18 |
1252 |
21H/08 Parrsboro |
OFM 86-19 |
1253 |
21H/07 Cape Chignecto |
OFM 86-20 |
Price/Prix: $20.16
Stream sediment and stream water sediment geochemical maps, Nova Scotia (stream sediments: Cu, Pb, Zn, Ag, Fe, Mn, Co, Ni, As, Mo, Hg, U; stream waters: U, pH, F; sample location map); 1:50 000
GSC/CGC | Map Area/Feuille | NSDME No./N o |
1262 |
21H/3 Margaretsville |
OFM 86-21 |
1263 |
21H/2 Berwick |
OFM 86-22 |
1264 |
21H/1 Wolfville (E/2) |
OFM 86-23 |
1265 |
21H/1 Wolfville (W/2) |
OFM 86-24 |
1266 |
21A/16 Windsor |
OFM 86-25 |
1267 |
21A/15 Gaspereau Lake |
OFM 86-26 |
1268 |
11D/13 Mount Uniacke |
OFM 86-27 |
Price/Prix: $20.16
Stream water geochemical maps, Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia (stream waters: U, pH, F); 1:50 000
GSC/CGC | Map Area/Feuille | NSDME No./N o |
1300 |
11K/07 St. Ann's Harbour |
OFM 86-38 |
1301 |
11K/08 Bras D'Or |
OFM 86-39 |
1302 |
11F/05 Guysborough |
OFM 86-40 |
1303 |
11F/06 Chedabucto Bay |
OFM 86-41 |
1304 |
11F/11 Port Hawkesbury |
OFM 86-42 |
1305 |
11F/12 Antigonish |
OFM 86-43 |
1306 |
11F/08 Lochaber |
OFM 86-44 |
These maps supplement data released as GSC Open Files 988 to 994 (NSDME Open Files OFM 84-14 to 84-20)
Ces cartes sont complémentaires de données diffusées par les dossiers publics 988 à 994 de la CGC (dossiers publics de 84-14 à 84-20 OFM du NSDME)
Price/Prix: $3.78
1269-1271, 1291-1296
Stream and lake sediment and water geochemical maps, Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia (stream and lake sediments: Cu, Pb, Zn, Ag, Fe, Mn, Co, Ni, As, Mo, Hg, U; stream waters: U, pH, F; lake sediments: Cd, V, F, LOI. sample location map); 1:50 000
GSC/CGC | Map Area/Feuille | NSDME No./N o |
1269 |
11F/16 Mira |
OFM 86-28 |
1270 |
11F/15 Grand Narrows |
OFM 86-29 |
1271 |
11F/10 St. Peter's |
OFM 86-30 |
1291 |
11F/09 Framboise |
OFM 86-32 |
1292 |
11G/13 Louisbourg |
OFM 86-33 |
1293 |
11J/4 Glace Bay |
OFM 86-34 |
1294 |
11K/01 Sydney |
OFM 86-35 |
1295* |
11K/02 Baddeck |
OFM 86-36 |
1296** |
11K/09 Ingonish |
OFM 86-37 |
Price/Prix: $25.20
* stream sediments only/uniquement les sédiments de ruisseaux, prix/prix: $16.38
** stream waters and sediments only/uniquement les eaux et les sédiments de ruisseaux, price/prix: $20.16
{#949, June 1986 circular}
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