GSC Open File Release Notices
Archived information
The text below is an exact reproduction of the original release notice, which was often unilingual. It contains information that is not readily available elsewhere. The information on pricing and availability is out of date.
Release Notice Text
Regional stream sediment and water geochemical reconnaissance data, British Columbia (93G); 100 p., 22 maps/cartes (sediments: Zn, Cu, Pb, Ni, Co, Ag, Mn, Cd, Fe, Mo, V (E/2), As, Hg, U, LOI (E/2), Sb, W, Ba; waters: U, F, pH); 1:250 000; BC Open File BC-RGS-13
This Open File represents data acquired in 1985 under the Canada-British Columbia Mineral Development Agreement 1985-1990 as well as data acquired in 1984 under a joint Geological Survey of Canada (GSC)-British Columbia Ministry of Energy, Mines and Petroleum Resources (MEMPR) geochemical survey (previously released as GSC OF 1107 and BC-RGS-12). |
Ce dossier présente les données acquises en 1985 suivant l'entente Canada-Colombie-Britannique: Entente d'exploitation minérale 1985-1990 tout comme les données acquises en 1984 suivant un levé géochimique effectué conjointement par la Commission géologique du Canada (CGC) et le ministère de l'Énergie, des Mines et des Ressources pétrolières (antérieurement ce dossier était classé comme suite: GSC OF 1107 et BC-RGS-12). |
Price/Prix: $70.00 (Campbell)
{#949, June 1986 circular}
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