Les avis de diffusion du dossier public de la CGC

Informations archivées

Le texte ci-dessous est une reproduction exacte de l‘avis de diffusion original, qui était souvent unilingue.  Il contient des informations qui ne sont pas facilement disponibles ailleurs.  Les informations sur le prix et la disponibilité n‘est pas à jour.

Texte de l‘avis de diffusion


Placer Pan Concentrates, Hayesville and Napadogan Map-Areas (21J/10, 7), Central New Brunswick, by W.H. Poole and G.R. Lachance

This open file consists of text and 11 figures (scale 1:250 000) comprising eight figures showing relative content of Sn, W, Cr, Zr, Yt, Ti, Fe, and Mn in non-magnetic, heavy fractions of 107 placer pan concentrates (XRF analyses), and three figures showing geology, sample locations and radioactivity of untreated concentrates. The area covers part of Miramichi anticlorium in which some granites have associated Sn, W and Mo minerals and fluorite.

This file is available for viewing at all libraries of the Geological Survey of Canada and copies may be obtained at the user’s expense from Campbell Reproduction, 880 Wellington Street, Ottawa, Ontario, K1R 6K7.


{#867, May 1979 circular}


Date de modification