Les avis de diffusion du dossier public de la CGC

Informations archivées

Le texte ci-dessous est une reproduction exacte de l‘avis de diffusion original, qui était souvent unilingue.  Il contient des informations qui ne sont pas facilement disponibles ailleurs.  Les informations sur le prix et la disponibilité n‘est pas à jour.

Texte de l‘avis de diffusion


Surficial Geology, Southeast Keewatin, by W.W. Shilts, I.M. Kettles and L. Arsenault

Preliminary drafts of four surficial geology maps of part of southeast Keewatin comprising the Eskimo Point (55E), Dawson Inlet (55F), Kaminak Lake (55L, S½), and Henik Lakes (65H, E½) map areas showing the distribution of surficial materials and landforms with an expanded legend that provides additional information on the various map-units. Based on airphoto interpretation and field work in 1973 and 1975 on a scale of 1:125 000.

Blackline copies may be obtained at the user’s expense by application to K.G. Campbell Quickprint, 880 Wellington Street, Ottawa, Ontario K1R 6K7


{#834, August 1976 circular}


Date de modification