GSC Open File Release Notices
Archived information
The text below is an exact reproduction of the original release notice, which was often unilingual. It contains information that is not readily available elsewhere. The information on pricing and availability is out of date.
Release Notice Text
Regional lake sediment geochemical reconnaissance data, east-central Saskatchewan (NTS 63M, 64D and parts of 63K, L, N, 73I, O, P and 74A).
This file relates to data acquired under the Canada-Saskatchewan Agreement on Mineral Exploration and Development in Northern Saskatchewan. This project was jointly planned and undertaken by the Geological Survey of Canada and the Saskatchewan Geological Survey. Mr. E.H.W. Hornbrook directed G.S.C. activities and supervised the field sampling contract let to Trigg, Wollett & Associates, Ltd. Dr. L.S. Beck co-ordinated activities at the Saskatchewan Geological Survey. The chemical analyses were also carried out under contract by Barringer Research Limited, the contract being supervised from the G.S.C. by Mr. J.J. Lynch Data monitoring, compilation and map production was carried out at the survey under the direction of Dr. R.G. Garrett. The surveys covers some 20,000 square miles at an average sample density of 1 sample per 5 square miles. Samples were analyzed for 11 elements (Zn, Cu, Pb, Ni, Co, Ag, Mn, Fe, U, Mo and As), and Loss-on-Ignition to estimate the organic carbon content. The file consists of 48 geochemical maps, the area being divided into 4 sheets, 4 sample location maps and a list of the field and analytical data.
This file has been released as of August 5, 1975.
Examination points: GSC Libraries in Ottawa, Calgary, Vancouver, Dartmouth. Also at Saskatchewan Geological Survey, Regina; Mining Recorders' Offices, La Ronge, Creighton and Uranium City, Saskatchewan. Copies available from K.G. Campbell Corporation, Ottawa. The field observations and analytical data from which the material was prepared are also available, enquiries should be sent to the Computer Science Centre, EMR, Ottawa.
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