Les avis de diffusion du dossier public de la CGC
Informations archivées
Le texte ci-dessous est une reproduction exacte de l‘avis de diffusion original, qui était souvent unilingue. Il contient des informations qui ne sont pas facilement disponibles ailleurs. Les informations sur le prix et la disponibilité n‘est pas à jour.
Texte de l‘avis de diffusion
Results of a lake sediment geochemical sampling program conducted in 1972 over the Yellowknife greenstone belt (85 J/8, 85 J/9), the Indian Lake greenstone belt (85 O/14, 86 B/6) and portions of the Cameron River and Bealieu River greenstone belts (85 I/10, 85 I/11, 85 I/14, 85 I;/15 and 85 I/16, 86 P/1, 86 P/2, 86 P/8). A total of 1010 stations were occupied at 1 to 5 mile intervals. The file consists of: (a) A report by D. Nickerson, P. Eng., contractor for Indian Affairs and Northern Development, describing the method of survey and tabulating the results. (b) 14 maps at a scale of 2 inches to 1 mile which show sample locations and observed values for Cu, Pb, Zn, Ag, Ni, Co, Mn and Fe, the regional geology and mineralized localities. Analyses for As and Sb have not been compiled.
Examination points:
GSC Libraries in Ottawa, Calgary and Vancouver. Also at the offices of the Residents: Yellowknife and Whitehorse and the Library, Indian and Northern Affairs in Ottawa.
Copies available from Resident Geologist, Yellowknife, N.W.T.
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