Les avis de diffusion du dossier public de la CGC

Informations archivées

Le texte ci-dessous est une reproduction exacte de l‘avis de diffusion original, qui était souvent unilingue.  Il contient des informations qui ne sont pas facilement disponibles ailleurs.  Les informations sur le prix et la disponibilité n‘est pas à jour.

Texte de l‘avis de diffusion


Regional geochemical lake bottom sediment and till sampling in the Timmins-Val-d’Or region of Ontario and Quebec. The project was initiated under the Special Employment Plan of the Federal Winter Works Program. It was planned and supervised by E.H.W. Hornbrook and carried out under contract by C.F. Gleeson & Associates Ltd. The objectives of the project were to evaluate various aspects of exploration geochemistry in the clay belt environment of this region; to provide data useful for mineral exploration, and to provide winter employment within the area. The report consists of two large data books containing field records, analytical data, and simple statistical treatment, together with location maps for the sample sites.

Examination points:

GSC Libraries in Ottawa, Calgary and Vancouver. Also at the offices of the Resident Geologists: Noranda, Bourlamaque, Timmins and Kirkland Lake.

Field and analytical data for the study is available in computer processible form at reproduction and mailing cost, either on 80 column punched cards or CDC 6400 generated 7- or 9 track magnetic tape, to be provided by user. Requests to Computer Science Centre, EMR, 588 Booth Street, Ottawa.


Date de modification