Les avis de diffusion du dossier public de la CGC

Informations archivées

Le texte ci-dessous est une reproduction exacte de l‘avis de diffusion original, qui était souvent unilingue.  Il contient des informations qui ne sont pas facilement disponibles ailleurs.  Les informations sur le prix et la disponibilité n‘est pas à jour.

Texte de l‘avis de diffusion


Lake Geochemistry – A low sample density technique for reconnaissance geochemical exploration and mapping of the Canadian Shield. It was presented at the Fourth International Geochemical Exploration Symposium in London, England in April, 1972. It contains geochemical maps for Cu, Ni, etc., based on analysis of lake materials, for several areas of interest in the Northwest Territories, e.g. High Lake, Hackett River, Indin lake, along with supporting data on the composition of the rocks of these areas. The work was done in 1970 by by R.J. Allan, E.M. Cameron and C.D. Durham and consists of 67 pages.

Examination points:

GSC Libraries in Ottawa, Calgary and Vancouver. Copies available from K.G. Campbell Corporation Limited, Ottawa.


Date de modification