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Shives, R.B.K., Carson, J.M., Dumont, R., Ford, K.L., Holman, P.B., Cathro, M. (2004). Helicopter-borne gamma ray spectrometric and magnetic total field geophysical survey,Imperial Metal’s Mount Polley mine area, British Columbia (part of NTS 93A/12). Geological Survey of Canada Open File 4620. Survey digital data.


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1 Helicopter-borne gamma ray spectrometric and magnetic total field geophysical survey, Imperial Metal's Mount Polley mine area, British Columbia - part of 93 A/12 / Levé géophysique par hélicoptère, spectrométrie gamma et champ magnétique total, région de la mine Mount Polley de la société Imperial Metal Corporation, Colombie-Britannique - partie de 93 A/12; Shives, R B K; Carson, J M; Dumont, R; Ford, K L; Holman, P B; Cathro, M. Geological Survey of Canada, Open File 4620, 2004. ( more) -

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1 2004-07-01
2 2004-07-01
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