Métadonnées de publication

Carson, J.M., Holman, P.B., Ford, K.L., Grant, J.A., Shives, R.B.K. (2004).. Airborne gamma ray spectrometry compilation, ternary radioelement map, Central Metasedimentary Belt (Grenville Province), Ontario–Quebec (NTS 31 F, parts of 31 B, C, D, E, G, J, K, L). Geological Survey of Canada Open File 4564. 1 colour map.

Enregistrements GEOSCAN

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1 Airborne gamma ray spectrometry compilation, ternary radioelement map, Central Metasedimentary Belt (Grenville Province), Ontario-Quebec; Carson, J M; Holman, P B; Ford, K L; Grant, J A; Shives, R B K. Commission géologique du Canada, Dossier public 4564, 2004; 1 feuille ( détails)

Avis de diffusion

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1 2004-04-01
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