Galley, A.G., Bailes, A.H., Syme, E.C., Bleeker, W., Macek, J.J., Gordon, T.M. (1991). Geology and Mineral Deposits of the Flin Flon and Thompson Belts, Manitoba [Field Trip 10]. Geological Survey of Canada, Open File 2165, 136 pages.
Enregistrements GEOSCAN
Référence bibliographique
Geology and Mineral Deposits of the Flin Flon and Thompson Belts, Manitoba [Field
Trip 10]; Galley, A G; Bailes, A H; Syme, E C; Bleeker, W; Macek, J J; Gordon, T M.
Commission géologique du Canada, Dossier public 2165, 1991; 136 pages (