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Rogers, N. (ed.) (2018). Targeted Geoscience Initiative: 2017 Report of Activities, volume 1. Geological Survey of Canada, Open File 8358, 252 p.

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Index Référence bibliographique Télécharger
1 Targeted Geoscience Initiative: 2017 report of activities, volume 1; Rogers, N. Commission géologique du Canada, Dossier public 8358, 2018; 252 pages ( détails)
2 Foreword - Targeted Geoscience Initiative: 2017 report of activities; Rogers, N; dans, Targeted Geoscience Initiative: 2017 report of activities, volume 1; Rogers, N. Commission géologique du Canada, Dossier public 8358, 2018; pages 7 ( détails)
3 Wireline logging and distributed acoustic sensing VSP to characterize host rocks and alteration of porphyry deposits: preliminary results from the New Afton mine; Bellefleur, G; Schetselaar, E M; Wade, D; White, D; dans, Targeted Geoscience Initiative: 2017 report of activities, volume 1; Rogers, N. Commission géologique du Canada, Dossier public 8358, 2018; pages 9-14 ( détails)
4 Preliminary field observations at the Klaza deposit and nearby Kelly and Cyprus porphyry centres, Dawson Range, Yukon; Lee, W -S; Chapman, J B; Richards, J P; dans, Targeted Geoscience Initiative: 2017 report of activities, volume 1; Rogers, N. Commission géologique du Canada, Dossier public 8358, 2018; pages 15-22 ( détails)
5 Field mapping of the Eastern Highlands Shear Zone, Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia; Piette-Lauzière, N; Larson, K P; Kellett, D A; dans, Targeted Geoscience Initiative: 2017 report of activities, volume 1; Rogers, N. Commission géologique du Canada, Dossier public 8358, 2018; pages 23-29 ( détails)
6 Factors controlling intrusion-related mineralization in Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia: a comparison of Silurian-Devonian plutons in Ganderia and Avalonia; Moning, A; Barr, S M; White, C E; Sombini dos Santos, G; van Rooyen, D; dans, Targeted Geoscience Initiative: 2017 report of activities, volume 1; Rogers, N. Commission géologique du Canada, Dossier public 8358, 2018; pages 31-35 ( détails)
7 New U-Pb (zircon and monazite) ages and Sm-Nd isotopic data from granitoid plutons in the Aspy and Bras d'Or terranes of Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia: implications for tectonic evolution and mineralization potential; van Rooyen, D; Barr, S M; White, C E; dans, Targeted Geoscience Initiative: 2017 report of activities, volume 1; Rogers, N. Commission géologique du Canada, Dossier public 8358, 2018; pages 37-45 ( détails)
8 Ar/Ar thermochronology of the Aspy and Bras d'Or terranes, Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia; Kellett, D A; Barr, S M; van Rooyen, D; White, C E; dans, Targeted Geoscience Initiative: 2017 report of activities, volume 1; Rogers, N. Commission géologique du Canada, Dossier public 8358, 2018; pages 47-49 ( détails)
9 U-Pb geochronology of the South Mountain Batholith, Nova Scotia; Bickerton, L; Kontak, D J; Samson, I M; Murphy, J B; Kellett, D A; dans, Targeted Geoscience Initiative: 2017 report of activities, volume 1; Rogers, N. Commission géologique du Canada, Dossier public 8358, 2018; pages 51-55 ( détails)
10 Mineral markers of porphyry copper mineralization: work in progress at the Gibraltar deposit, British Columbia; Plouffe, A; Kobylinski, C H; Hattori, K; Wolfe, L; Ferbey, T; dans, Targeted Geoscience Initiative: 2017 report of activities, volume 1; Rogers, N. Commission géologique du Canada, Dossier public 8358, 2018; pages 57-67 ( détails)
11 Mineral markers of porphyry copper mineralization: progress report on the evaluation of tourmaline as an indicator mineral; McClenaghan, M B; Beckett-Brown, C E; McCurdy, M W; McDonald, A M; Leybourne, M I; Chapman, J B; Plouffe, A; Ferbey, T; dans, Targeted Geoscience Initiative: 2017 report of activities, volume 1; Rogers, N. Commission géologique du Canada, Dossier public 8358, 2018; pages 69-77 ( détails)
12 Structural style and timing of deformation on the Bathurst Fault (eastern Slave Craton): implications for basement fault-controlled fluid pathways; Ma, S; Kellett, D A; Godin, L; dans, Targeted Geoscience Initiative: 2017 report of activities, volume 1; Rogers, N. Commission géologique du Canada, Dossier public 8358, 2018; pages 79-87 ( détails)
13 Reactivated basement faults and uranium-rich fluid pathways in the Athabasca Basin: new insights from the Patterson Lake corridor, northwestern Saskatchewan; Tschirhart, V L; Potter, E G; Powell, J W; Johnstone, D; Rabiei, M; Bethune, K M; Chi, G; Duffett, C L; dans, Targeted Geoscience Initiative: 2017 report of activities, volume 1; Rogers, N. Commission géologique du Canada, Dossier public 8358, 2018; pages 89-93 ( détails)
14 Controls on the distribution, style, composition and timing of the gold-bearing mineralized zones of the Horne 5 deposit, Abitibi Greenstone Belt, Quebec; Krushnisky, A; Mercier-Langevin, P; Ross, P -S; Goutier, J; McNicoll, V J; Moore, L; Pilote, C; Bernier, C; dans, Targeted Geoscience Initiative: 2017 report of activities, volume 1; Rogers, N. Commission géologique du Canada, Dossier public 8358, 2018; pages 95-98 ( détails)
15 Volcanic, hydrothermal and structural controls on the nature and distribution of base and precious metals at the B26 project, Brouillan volcanic complex, Abitibi, Quebec; Fayard, Q; Mercier-Langevin, P; Daigneault, R; Perreault, S; dans, Targeted Geoscience Initiative: 2017 report of activities, volume 1; Rogers, N. Commission géologique du Canada, Dossier public 8358, 2018; pages 99-103 ( détails)
16 Nature and significance of deformation zones on gold mineralization in the Detour Lake area: implications for exploration in Ontario and Quebec; Castonguay, S; Dubé, B; Mercier-Langevin, P; McNicoll, V J; DeLazzer, A; Malcolm, K; dans, Targeted Geoscience Initiative: 2017 report of activities, volume 1; Rogers, N. Commission géologique du Canada, Dossier public 8358, 2018; pages 105-111 ( détails)
17 Structural controls and relative timing of events at the orogenic Island Gold deposit, Michipicoten Greenstone Belt, Wawa, Ontario; Jellicoe, K M; Lin, S; Ciufo, T J; Yakymchuk, C; Mercier-Langevin, P; dans, Targeted Geoscience Initiative: 2017 report of activities, volume 1; Rogers, N. Commission géologique du Canada, Dossier public 8358, 2018; pages 113-116 ( détails)
18 Hydrothermal alteration and vectors at the orogenic Island Gold deposit, Michipicoten Greenstone Belt, Wawa, Ontario; Ciufo, T J; Yakymchuk, C; Lin, S; Jellicoe, K; Mercier-Langevin, P; dans, Targeted Geoscience Initiative: 2017 report of activities, volume 1; Rogers, N. Commission géologique du Canada, Dossier public 8358, 2018; pages 117-120 ( détails)
19 Geology of the Éléonore gold mine and adjacent gold showings, Superior Province, northern Quebec; Fontaine, A; Dubé, B; Malo, M; McNicoll, V J; Prud'homme, N; Beausoleil, C; Goutier, J; dans, Targeted Geoscience Initiative: 2017 report of activities, volume 1; Rogers, N. Commission géologique du Canada, Dossier public 8358, 2018; pages 121-125 ( détails)
20 Preliminary geochemical results on mantle metal mobility; Lawley, C J M; Kjarsgaard, B A; Zagorevski, A; Pearson, G; Waterton, P; Savard, D; Jackson, S E; Yang, Z; Zhang, S; Tschirhart, V; dans, Targeted Geoscience Initiative: 2017 report of activities, volume 1; Rogers, N. Commission géologique du Canada, Dossier public 8358, 2018; pages 127-131 ( détails)
21 Age relationships and preliminary U-Pb zircon geochronology results from the Lynn Lake Greenstone Belt; Lawley, C J M; Schneider, D; Yang, E; Davis, W J; Jackson, S E; Yang, Z; Zhang, S; Selby, D; dans, Targeted Geoscience Initiative: 2017 report of activities, volume 1; Rogers, N. Commission géologique du Canada, Dossier public 8358, 2018; pages 133-137 ( détails)
22 Gold along Cordilleran faults: Key characteristics and analogies between Phanerozoic and Archean settings; Castonguay, S; Ootes, L; Mercier-Langevin, P; Devine, F; dans, Targeted Geoscience Initiative: 2017 report of activities, volume 1; Rogers, N. Commission géologique du Canada, Dossier public 8358, 2018; pages 139-145 ( détails)
23 Lithologic controls on Paleoproterozoic BIF-hosted/associated gold: overview of Re-Os geochronology and Pb isotopes preliminary results; Mercier-Langevin, P; Valette, M; De Souza, S; Creaser, R A; McNicoll, V J; Grondin-LeBlanc, P; St. Pierre, B; Lauzon, M -C; Malo, M; Côté-Mantha, O; Simard, M; dans, Targeted Geoscience Initiative: 2017 report of activities, volume 1; Rogers, N. Commission géologique du Canada, Dossier public 8358, 2018; pages 147-152 ( détails)
24 Lithological, hydrothermal, structural and metamorphic controls on the style, geometry and distribution of the auriferous zones at Amaruq, Churchill Province, Nunavut; Valette, M; De Souza, S; Mercier-Langevin, P; McNicoll, V J; Grondin-LeBlanc, P; Côté-Mantha, O; Simard, M; Malo, M; dans, Targeted Geoscience Initiative: 2017 report of activities, volume 1; Rogers, N. Commission géologique du Canada, Dossier public 8358, 2018; pages 153-156 ( détails)
25 Structural and lithologic controls on the nature and distribution of gold in the BIF-associated 1150 and 1250 lode series at Tiriganiaq, Meliadine district, Rankin Inlet greenstone belt, Nunavut; St. Pierre, B; Mercier-Langevin, P; Simard, M; Côté-Mantha, O; Malo, M; Servelle, G; dans, Targeted Geoscience Initiative: 2017 report of activities, volume 1; Rogers, N. Commission géologique du Canada, Dossier public 8358, 2018; pages 157-161 ( détails)
26 Breccia styles and controls on carbonate replacement-type ('Carlin-type') gold zones, Rackla belt, east-central Yukon; Pinet, N; Sack, P J; Mercier-Langevin, P; Lavoie, D; Dubé, B; Lane, J; Brake, V; dans, Targeted Geoscience Initiative: 2017 report of activities, volume 1; Rogers, N. Commission géologique du Canada, Dossier public 8358, 2018; pages 163-168 ( détails)
27 Investigation of ultramafic to mafic komatiitic units within the Raglan Block within the Cape Smith Belt, Nunavik, northern Quebec; McKevitt, D J; Houlé, M G; Lesher, C M; dans, Targeted Geoscience Initiative: 2017 report of activities, volume 1; Rogers, N. Commission géologique du Canada, Dossier public 8358, 2018; pages 169-172 ( détails)
28 Reconnaissance thallium isotope study of zinc-lead SEDEX mineralization and host rocks in the Howard's Pass district, Selwyn Basin, Yukon: potential application to paleoredox determinations and fingerprinting of mineralization; Peter, J M; Gadd, M G; Layton-Matthews, D; Voinot, A; dans, Targeted Geoscience Initiative: 2017 report of activities, volume 1; Rogers, N. Commission géologique du Canada, Dossier public 8358, 2018; pages 173-191 ( détails)
29 Field observations, mineralogy and geochemistry of Middle Devonian Ni-Zn-Mo-PGE hyper-enriched black shale deposits, Yukon; Gadd, M G; Peter, J M; dans, Targeted Geoscience Initiative: 2017 report of activities, volume 1; Rogers, N. Commission géologique du Canada, Dossier public 8358, 2018; pages 193-206 ( détails)
30 Textural and mineralogical characterization of a Ni-Zn-rich black shale occurrence at the Akie property, Kechika Trough, northern British Columbia, and comparison with examples from Yukon; Peter, J M; Bocking, N; Gadd, M G; Layton-Matthews, D; Johnson, N; dans, Targeted Geoscience Initiative: 2017 report of activities, volume 1; Rogers, N. Commission géologique du Canada, Dossier public 8358, 2018; pages 207-216 ( détails)
31 Are there genetic links between carbonate-hosted barite-zinc-lead sulphide deposits and magnesite mineralization in southeast British Columbia?; Paradis, S; Simandl, G J; dans, Targeted Geoscience Initiative: 2017 report of activities, volume 1; Rogers, N. Commission géologique du Canada, Dossier public 8358, 2018; pages 217-227 ( détails)
32 Elucidating mineralizing fluid pathways from the geophysical responses to hydrothermal alteration: integrated 3D modelling of lithogeochemical, petrophysical, seismic and magnetotelluric data, Lalor volcanogenic massive sulphide deposit, Manitoba; Schetselaar, E M; Bellefleur, G; Craven, J A; Ansari, S M; Enkin, R J; dans, Targeted Geoscience Initiative: 2017 report of activities, volume 1; Rogers, N. Commission géologique du Canada, Dossier public 8358, 2018; pages 229-242 ( détails)
33 Laser ablation-inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometric analysis of fluid inclusions from the Windy Craggy Cu-Co-Au volcanogenic massive sulphide deposit: method development and preliminary results; Schmidt, M A; Peter, J M; Jackson, S E; Yang, Z; Leybourne, M I; Layton-Mathews, D; dans, Targeted Geoscience Initiative: 2017 report of activities, volume 1; Rogers, N. Commission géologique du Canada, Dossier public 8358, 2018; pages 243-252 ( détails)
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