McClenaghan, M.B., Paulen, R.C., Rice, J.M., Campbell, H.E., Ross, M. (2017). Till geochemistry and mineralogy. In GEM 2 Hudson-Ungava project 2017 report of activities for the Core Zone: surficial geology, geochemistry, and gamma-ray spectrometry studies in northern Quebec and Labrador. Geological Survey of Canada, Open File 8331, p. 21-30.
Couverture du levé
Levé d’échantillonnage du till, 23I, P du SNRC, Zone noyau, Québec et Labrador, 2014-2016. (
Enregistrements GEOSCAN
Référence bibliographique
Till geochemistry and mineralogy; McClenaghan, M B; Paulen, R C; Rice, J M; Campbell,
H E; Ross, M; dans, GEM 2 Hudson-Ungava project 2017 report of activities for the
Core Zone: surficial geology, geochemistry, and gamma-ray spectrometry studies in
northern Quebec and Labrador; McClenaghan, M B; Paulen, R C; Rice, J M; McCurdy, M
W; Amor, S D; Garrett, R G; Solgadi, F; Fortin, R; Spirito, W A; Adcock, S W; Ross,
M; Campbell, H E; Pyne, M; Hagedorn, G W; Arnaud, E. Commission géologique du Canada,
Dossier public 8331, 2017; pages 21-30 (