Métadonnées de publication

Plouffe, A., Ferbey, T., Velson, V.M., Jond, J. (2012). Glacial history and drift prospecting in the Canadian Cordillera: recent developments. In The Canadian Cordillera and its Mineral Deposits: A New Look, session at Prospectors and Developers Association Convention (PDAC). Prospectors and Developers Association of Canada, Abstracts Volume, 2012.

Enregistrements GEOSCAN

Index Référence bibliographique Télécharger
1 Glacial history and drift prospecting in the Canadian Cordillera: recent developments; Plouffe, A; Ferbey, T; Levson, V M; Bond, J; dans, Prospectors and Developers Association Convention (PDAC), abstracts volume; Prospectors and Developers Association of Canada. 2012.() ( détails) -
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