Métadonnées de publication

Paulen, R.C., Plouffe, A., Smith, I.R., Paradis, S. (2011). Isotopic fingerprinting of base metal indicator minerals to decipher their provenances: an example from northwest Alberta. In Geohydro, 2011, Proceedings of the joint meeting of the CANQUA and International Association of Hydrogeologists, Quebec City, August 2011, Doc-2297, 7 p.

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Échantillonnage du till, 84L, M du SNRC, nord-ouest de l’Alberta, 2003-2005. ( détails)

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1 Isotopic fingerprinting of base metal indicator minerals to decipher their provenances: an example from northwest Alberta; Paulen, R C; Plouffe, A; Smith, I R; Paradis, S; dans, Geohydro 2011, proceedings of the joint meeting of the CANQUA and International Association of Hydrogeologists; . 2011; pages 1-7() ( détails) -
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