Métadonnées de publication

Kettles, I.M. (2011). Note on eco-classification systems for Canada. In Presentations and recommendations from the workshop on the role of geochemical data in environmental and human health risk assessment, Halifax, 2010, A.N. Rencz, I.M. Kettles (eds). Geological Survey of Canada, Open File 6645, 18 p.

Enregistrements GEOSCAN

Index Référence bibliographique Télécharger
1 Note on eco-classification systems for Canada; Kettles, I M; dans, Presentations and recommendations from the workshop on the role of geochemical data in environmental and human health risk assessment, Halifax, 2010; Rencz, A N; Kettles, I M. Commission géologique du Canada, Dossier public 6645, 2011; pages 1-18 ( détails)
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