Métadonnées de publication

McClenaghan, M.B., Hamilton, S.M., Hall, G.E.M., Burl, A.K., Kjarsgaard, B.A. (2006). Selective leach geochemistry of soils overlying the 95-2, B30 kimberlites, NE Ontario. Geological Survey of Canada, Open File 5069.

Enregistrements GEOSCAN

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1 Selective leach geochemistry of soils overlying the 95-2, B30 and A4 kimberlites, northeastern Ontario; McClenaghan, M B; Hamilton, S M; Hall, G E M; Burt, A K; Kjarsgaard, B A. Commission géologique du Canada, Dossier public 5069, 2006; 28 pages ( détails)
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