Henderson, P. (1995). Summary report on the surficial geology and drift composition in the Annabel Lake-Amisk Lake area, Saskatchewan (NTS 63L/9 and L/16 and parts of 63K/12 and K/13. In Investigations completed by the Saskatchewan Geological Survey and the Geological Survey of Canada under the Geoscience program of the Canada-Saskatchewan Partnership Agreement on Mineral Development (1990-1995), D.G. Richardson (ed.). Geological Survey of Canada, Open File 3119, p.121-130.
Couverture du levé
Levé d’échantillonnage du till et des sols, 63L/9, /16, 63K/12, /13 du SNRC, centre-est de la Saskatchewan, 1992 à 1994. (
Enregistrements GEOSCAN
Référence bibliographique
Summary report on the surficial geology and drift composition in the Annabel Lake-Amisk
Lake area, Saskatchewan (NTS 63L/9 and 63L/16 and parts of 63K/12 and K/13); Henderson,
P; dans, Investigations completed by the Saskatchewan Geological Survey and the Geological
Survey of Canada under the Geoscience program of the Canada-Saskatchewan Partnership
Agreement on Mineral Development (1990-1995); Richardson, D G. Commission géologique
du Canada, Dossier public 3119, 1995; pages 121-130 (