Métadonnées de publication

Coker, W.B., Robertson, D.J., Snow, R.J. (1988). Till geochemistry at the Great Gull scheelite prospects, Newfoundland, Canada; a case history in orientation and discovery. In Prospecting in Areas of Glaciated Terrain - 1988, D.R. MacDonald, K.A. Mills (eds). Proceedings of a Symposium sponsored by the Geology Division of the Canadian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy, Halifax, N.S., August 28-September 3, 1988, p.587-598.

Couverture du levé

Index Levé
Échantillonnage du till et du sol, 2D/3, 4, 5 et 6 du SNRC, centre de Terre-Neuve, 1983. ( détails)

Enregistrements GEOSCAN

Index Référence bibliographique Télécharger
1 Till geochemistry at the Great Gull scheelite prospects, Newfoundland, Canada: a case history in orientation and discovery; Coker, W B; Robertson, D J; Snow, R J; dans, Prospecting in areas of glaciated terrain, 1988; Macdonald, D R; Mills, K A. 1988; pages 587-598(GSC Cont.# 44887) ( détails) -
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