Publication Metadata

Garrett, R.G., Thorleifson, L.H. (1996). The provenance of prairie tills and its importance in mineral exploration. In MinExpo’96 symposium; Advances in Saskatchewan geology and mineral exploration, K.E. Ashton, C.R. Harper (ed.). Saskatchewan Geological Society Special Publication 14, p. 155-162.

Some or all of the raw data associated with this publication have been loaded into the "Canadian Database of Geochemical Surveys" and subsequently converted into easy-to-use MS Excel spreadsheets.  Follow the links in the "Survey Coverage" section below to determine exactly what data are available.

Survey Coverage

Index Survey
Ultra-low density till and soil sampling survey, Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta, 1991. ( more)
Ultra-low density till and soil sampling survey, Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta, 1992. ( more)
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