Publication Metadata
Carter, N.C., Kalnins, T.E., Nordin, G.D. (1979). Reconnaissance Geochemical Surveys (103I,P; 104O,P). In Geological Fieldwork 1978, A summary of field activities of the Geological Branch, Mineral Resources Division. British Columbia Ministry of Energy, Mines and Petroleum Resources, Paper 1979-1, p.145-146.
Some or all of the raw data associated with this publication have been loaded into the "Canadian Database of Geochemical Surveys" and subsequently converted into easy-to-use MS Excel spreadsheets. Follow the links in the "Survey Coverage" section below to determine exactly what data are available.
External Links
Index | Link |
1 |
BC EMPR Regional Geochemistry (
LinkID=698 more
Metadata page for BC Regional Geochemical Surveys RGS 1 and RGS 42 (NTS 103I, J).
Includes links to related data.
2 |
BC Geological Survey Publications Catalogue (
LinkID=880 more
Expanding Geological Fieldwork 1978 (Paper 1979-01) provides a list of papers in the
publication. Scroll down to the bottom of the list and click on the PDF link to download
the entire publication, including Carter et al.’s paper.
Survey Coverage
Index | Survey |
1 |
NGR stream and lake sediments and waters, NTS 104O, northern British Columbia, 1978 (
2 |
NGR stream sediment and water survey, NTS 104P, northern British Columbia, 1978 (
3 |
NGR stream sediment and water survey, NTS 103I, J, Prince Rupert-Terrace region, British
Columbia, 1978
4 |
NGR stream sediment and water survey, NTS 103O, P, Nass River, British Columbia, 1978 (
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