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Cameron, E.M., Siddeley, G., Durham, C.C. (1970). Distribution of ore elements in rocks for evaluating ore potential: nickel, copper, cobalt and sulphur in ultramafic rocks of the Canadian Shield. Geological Survey of Canada, Open File 35.


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1 Distribution of ore elements in rocks for evaluating ore potential: nickel, copper, cobalt and sulphur in ultramafic rocks of the canadian shield; Cameron, E M; Siddeley, G; Durham, C C; in, Distribution of ore elements in rocks for evaluating ore potential: nickel, copper, cobalt and sulphur in ultramafic rocks of the Canadian Shield; with an appendix on the determination of copper, nickel and cobalt in rocks by atomic absorption spectrometry using a cold leach; Cameron, E M; Siddeley, G; Durham, C C; Lynch, J J. Geological Survey of Canada, Open File 35, 1970; pages 1-21 ( more)
2 Appendix: the determination of copper, nickel and cobalt in rocks by atomic absorption spectrometry using a cold leach; Lynch, J J; in, Distribution of ore elements in rocks for evaluatiing ore potential: nickel, copper, cobalt and sulphur in ultramafic rocks of the Canadian Shield; Cameron, E M; Siddeley, G; Durham, C C; Lynch, J J. Geological Survey of Canada, Open File 35, 1970; pages 22-27 ( more)
3 Distribution of ore elements in rocks for evaluating ore potential: Nickel, copper, cobalt and sulphur in ultramafic rocks of the Canadian Shield; with an appendix on the determination of copper, nickel and cobalt in rocks by atomic absorption spectrometry using a cold leach; Cameron, E M; Siddeley, G; Durham, C C; Lynch, J J. Geological Survey of Canada, Open File 35, 1970; 27 pages ( more)

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1 1970
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