Project Metadata

McClenaghan, M.B.; Dunn, C.E.


Kirkland Lake Kimberlite Project, 1992-1997

Project Description

In 1992, the Geological Survey of Canada began a five year project in the Kirkland Lake area of northeastern Ontario.  It was designed to increase the knowledge of the genesis of kimberlite, to improve techniques for kimberlite exploration and to evaluate the potential for the discovery of additional kimberlite occurrences in the region.  Part of this project included the study of the geochemical and mineralogical character of known kimberlitic intrusions and determining associated geochemical signatures in various sample media that are routinely used in mineral exploration (e.g. till, humus, soil and vegetation).

Vegetation samples were collected in 1992 over 3 kimberlite pipes.  The data are published in Geological Survey of Canada Open File 3005.

Soil and till samples were collected in 1992 from hand-dug pits and backhoe trenches on the Buffonta dike property.  The data are published in Geological Survey of Canada Open File 3007.

Till and soil samples from overburden drill holes up and down-ice and over 4 kimberlite pipes (A4, B30, C14, Diamond Lake) were collected in 1993.  The data are published in Geological Survey of Canada Open Files 3295, 3576, 3719, 3769 and 2819.

These studies are all summarized in Open File 3228.

Survey History

Index Survey
1 Soil and till sampling survey, NTS 42A, 32D, northeastern Ontario, 1993. ( more)
2 Biogeochemical survey, parts of NTS 32D/4, 5, Kirkland Lake area, northeastern Ontario, 1992. ( more)
3 Soil and till survey, Buffonta property, Kirkland Lake area, northeastern Ontario, 1992. ( more)

Project Funding

Canada Ontario Subsidiary Agreement on Northern Development (1991-1995).

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