Project Metadata

Veillette, J.J.


Timiskaming area, Ontario-Quebec till and clay sampling survey, 1983-1989

Project Description

Several techniques, including till geochemistry, mapping of surficial deposits, palynology of postglacial organic deposits and deglaciation geochronology were used to reconstruct the glacial history of Timiskaming.  These investigations provide a better understanding of the sequence and relative importance of major ice movements and of their impact on prospecting methods in glaciated terrain.  These systematic studies provide a framework for understanding the evolution of the Canadian landmass and for making rational land use decisions.  The data are published in GSC Bulletin 476.

Survey History

Index Survey
1 Till and clay sampling survey, Timiskaming region, Ontario and Quebec, 1983-1989. ( more)

Project Funding

Geological Survey of Canada

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