Project Metadata

Dredge, L.A.


Northern Melville Peninsula till project, 1985, 1986 and 1988

Project Description

This project involves systematic mapping of the northern Melville Peninsula to determine the distribution and physical characteristics of surface materials in order to interpret glacial and post-glacial history of the region.  The study provides information relevant to land management, environmental studies, drift prospecting and Quaternary studies.  The data are published in GSC Bulletin 484 and GSC Open Files 3636 and 3637.

In 2009 the samples were reanalysed by INAA.  All of the data are published in GSC Open File 6285.

Survey History

Index Survey
1 Till sampling survey, NTS 47A, B, C, D, northern Melville Peninsula, Nunavut in 1985, 1986 and 1988. ( more)

Project Funding

Geological Survey of Canada

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