Project Metadata

Matysek, P.F.


Southeast British Columbia 1990 stream sediment and water survey

Project Description

An RGS stream sediment and water survey was carried out in southeast British Columbia in the southern Rocky Mountain Trench 1990.  The data are published in British Columbia Ministry of Energy, Mines and Petroleum Resources BC RGS 27 and BC RGS 28.

Survey History

Index Survey
1 BC RGS stream sediment and water survey, NTS 82G, southeast British Columbia, 1990. ( more)
2 BC RGS stream sediment and water survey, NTS 82J, southeast British Columbia, 1990. ( more)

Project Funding

Funding was provided by the Sustainable Environment Fund (SEF) of the British Columbia Ministry of the Environment and the Canada/British Columbia Mineral Development Agreement (1985-1990).

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