NGR Open Files

Archived information

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Open File 4016

Open File:  4016
Previous OF publication(s):  3772, 0868
Province / Territory:  Yukon & Northwest Territories
Funding Source:  Federal (1981, 1999); Territorial (2001)
Year of Collection:  1981

Survey Type:  Regional Stream Survey
# Lake sites:  0
# Stream sites:  984
Survey Area:  11489 km²
NTS Sheet(s):  105I

The regional stream survey for Little Nahanni River (NTS 105I) was conducted during the summer of 1981.

This report presents analytical and statistical data for gold and 25 other elements obtained by re-analyzing stream sediments from 984 sites sampled at an average density of one sample per 11.7 km². Original field and analytical data for stream sediments and waters are also included in this report.

location map for Open File 4016
legend to accompany location map for Open File

Analytical Data

variable method detection limit year of analysis
Antimony HY-AAS 0.4 ppm 1981
Antimony INAA 0.1 ppm 1999
Arsenic HY-AAS 0.4 ppm 1981
Arsenic INAA 0.5 ppm 1999
Barium XRF 0.02 pct 1981
Barium INAA 50 ppm 1999
Bromine INAA 0.5 ppm 1981
Cadmium AAS 0.2 ppm 1981
Cerium INAA 5 ppm 1999
Cesium INAA 0.5 ppm 1999
Chromium INAA 20 ppm 1999
Cobalt AAS 2 ppm 1981
Cobalt INAA 5 ppm 1999
Copper AAS 2 ppm 1981
Europium INAA 1 ppm 1999
Fluorine ISE 20 ppm 1981
Gold INAA 2 ppb 1999
Hafnium INAA 1 ppm 1999
Iron AAS 0.2 pct 1981
Iron INAA 0.2 pct 1999
Lanthanum INAA 2 ppm 1999
Lead AAS 2 ppm 1981
Loss-on-ignition GRAV 1 pct 1981
Lutetium INAA 0.2 ppm 1999
Manganese AAS 2 ppm 1981
Mercury CV-AAS 30 ppb 1981
Molybdenum AAS 2 ppm 1981
Nickel AAS 2 ppm 1981
P2O5 COL 0.04 pct 1981
Rubidium INAA 5 ppm 1999
Samarium INAA 0.1 ppm 1999
Sample Weight 0.01 gms 1981
Scandium INAA 0.2 ppm 1999
Silver AAS 0.2 ppm 1981
Sodium INAA 0.02 pct 1999
Tantalum INAA 0.5 ppm 1999
Terbium INAA 0.5 ppm 1999
Thorium INAA 0.2 ppm 1999
Tungsten COL 2 ppm 1981
Tungsten INAA 1 ppm 1999
Uranium NADNC 1 ppm 1981
Uranium INAA 0.2 ppm 1999
Vanadium AAS 20 ppm 1981
Ytterbium INAA 1 ppm 1999
Zinc AAS 2 ppm 1981
variable method detection limit year of analysis
Calcium AAS 0.5 ppm 1981
Chlorine IC 0.1 ppm 1981
Fluorine ISE 25 ppb 1981
Iron AAS 40 ppb 1981
Magnesium AAS 0.2 ppm 1981
Manganese AAS 10 ppb 1981
Nitrate IC 0.2 ppm 1981
Phosphate IC 0.15 ppm 1981
Potassium AAS 0.2 ppm 1981
Sodium AAS 0.2 ppm 1981
Sulphate IC 0.5 ppm 1981
Total Alkalinity TIT 2 ppm 1981
Uranium LIF 0.1 ppb 1981
Zinc AAS 5 ppb 1981
pH GCM 1981


The original reconnaissance surveys were undertaken by the Geological Survey of Canada as part of the Nahanni Integrated Multidisciplinary Pilot Project (1982).

W.D. Goodfellow directed Geological Survey of Canada activities related to geochemical methodologies, sampling and analytical specifications, and map and data release formats (1981).

GSC OF 3772 (D3772) was the product of a reanalysis program undertaken under the terms of the Canada/Yukon Geoscience Program (1999) with the participation of the Government of Yukon, the Department of Indian and Northern Affairs and the Geological Survey of Canada.

GSC Open File 4016/INAC OF 2001-12D is part of a series of Yukon open files in a standard format developed for the digital reissue of Yukon geochemical data originally published on paper.

Contractor and supervisor details for sample collection
Category Responsible Party
Contractor: Marshall, Macklin and Monaghan Ltd, Toronto, Ontario
Supervisor: W.D. Goodfellow
Contractor and supervisor details for sample preparation
Category Responsible Party
Contractor: Geological Survey of Canada staff
Supervisor: J.J. Lynch
Contractor and supervisor details for sample preparation
Category Responsible Party
Contractor: Bondar-Clegg and Company, Ottawa, Ontario (1981) Nova Track Ltd., Vancouver, British Columbia (1981) GSC Analytical Methods Development Lab (1981) Becquerel Labs, Mississauga, Ontario (1999)
Supervisor: J.J. Lynch (1981) P.W. B. Friske (1999)

Other information:

The only differences found between OF 4016 and OF 3772 are:

1. The formatting of the digital copy

2. the D.L for Lu and Yb.

Date modified: