Dossiers publics PNRG

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Dossier Public 2473

Open File:  2473
Previous OF publication(s):  0512
Province / Territory:  Newfoundland & Labrador
Funding Source:  Federal and Provincial (1978 and 1994)
Year of Collection:  1977

Survey Type:  Regional Lake Survey
# Lake sites:  758
# Stream sites:  
Survey Area:  11950 km²
NTS Sheet(s):  003E, 013H

The regional lake survey for southeastern Labrador (NTS 3E and 13H) was conducted during the summer of 1977.

This report presents analytical and statistical data for gold and 25 other elements obtained by re-analyzing lake sediments from 758 sites, collected at an average density of one sample per 15.8 km². Original analytical data selected from Open File 512 (published 1978) for 13 elements plus loss-on-ignition in sediments, and uranium, fluoride, and pH values in concomitant waters are also included in this report.

location map for Open File 2473
legend to accompany location map for Open File

Analytical Data

variable method detection limit year of analysis
Antimony INAA 0.1 ppm 1992
Arsenic COL 1 ppm 1977
Arsenic INAA 0.5 ppm 1992
Barium INAA 50 ppm 1992
Bromine INAA 0.5 ppm 1992
Cerium INAA 5 ppm 1992
Cesium INAA 0.5 ppm 1992
Chromium INAA 20 ppm 1992
Cobalt AAS 2 ppm 1977
Cobalt INAA 5 ppm 1992
Copper AAS 2 ppm 1977
Europium INAA 1 ppm 1992
Fluorine ISE 40 ppm 1977
Gold INAA 2 ppb 1992
Hafnium INAA 1 ppm 1992
Iron AAS 0.02 pct 1977
Iron INAA 0.2 pct 1992
Lanthanum INAA 2 ppm 1992
Lead AAS 2 ppm 1977
Loss-on-ignition GRAV 1 pct 1977
Lutetium INAA 0.2 ppm 1977
Manganese AAS 5 ppm 1977
Mercury AAS 10 ppb 1977
Molybdenum AAS 2 ppm 1977
Molybdenum INAA 1 ppm 1992
Nickel AAS 2 ppm 1977
Nickel INAA 10 ppm 1992
Rubidium INAA 5 ppm 1992
Samarium INAA 0.1 ppm 1992
Sample Weight 0.01 gms 1977
Scandium INAA 0.2 ppm 1992
Silver AAS 0.2 ppm 1977
Sodium INAA 0.02 pct 1992
Tantalum INAA 0.5 ppm 1992
Terbium INAA 0.5 ppm 1992
Thorium INAA 0.2 ppm 1992
Tungsten INAA 1 ppm 1992
Uranium INAA 0.2 ppm 1992
Uranium NADNC 0.2 ppm 1977
Ytterbium INAA 1 ppm 1992
Zinc AAS 2 ppm 1977
variable method detection limit year of analysis
Fluoride ISE 20 ppb 1977
Uranium FT 0.01 ppb 1977
pH GCM 0 1977


The reconnaissance surveys were managed by the Geological Survey of Canada in conjunction with the Newfoundland Department of Mines and Energy under the terms of the Canada - Newfoundland Agreement on a Uranium Reconnaissance Program (1976-1982). Fisheries and Environment Canada provided funds for the determination of mercury.

The reanalysis program was undertaken under the Canada - Newfoundland Cooperation Agreement on Mineral Development (1990-1994).

P.W.B. Friske coordinated the activities of contract and Geological Survey of Canada staff under the reanalysis program.

E.H.W. Hornbrook directed the original survey.

M.McCurdy edited open files and coordinated production.

H. Gross and S.W. Adcock provided computer processing support.

C.C. Durham, S.J. Day, and R. Balma provided technical assistance.

Contractor and supervisor details for sample collection
Category Responsible Party
Contractor: Marshall Macklin Monaghan, Toronto, Ontario
Supervisor: E. Hornbrook, Y.T. Maurice (GSC)
Contractor and supervisor details for sample preparation
Category Responsible Party
Contractor: (1977) Golder Associates, Ottawa, Ontario (1992) Bondar-Clegg & Company, Ottawa, Ontario
Supervisor: J.J. Lynch (GSC)
Contractor and supervisor details for sample preparation
Category Responsible Party
Contractor: (1977) Chemex Laboratories, Vancouver, British Columbia (1977) BarringerResearch Limited, Toronto, Ontario (1977) Atomic Energy of Canada Ltd., Ottawa, Ontario (1992) Bequerel Laboratories, Mississauga, Ontario
Supervisor: J.J. Lynch (GSC)

Other information:
Date de modification