NGR Open Files
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Open File 0417
Previous OF publication(s):
Province / Territory: Nunavut
Funding Source: Federal
Year of Collection: 1976
# Lake sites: 688
# Stream sites: 0
Survey Area: 10958 km²
NTS Sheet(s): 055M
The regional stream survey for the Keewatin area, Nunvut (NTS 55M) was conducted during the summer of 1976.
This report presents analytical and statistical data for 12 elements in stream sediments from 688 sample sites. Loss-on-ignition in sediments, and uranium values in waters from these sites are alsoincluded in this report.
Analytical Data
variable | method | detection limit | year of analysis |
Arsenic | COL | 1 ppm | 1976 |
Cobalt | AAS | 2 ppm | 1976 |
Copper | AAS | 2 ppm | 1976 |
Iron | AAS | 0.02 pct | 1976 |
Lead | AAS | 2 ppm | 1976 |
Loss-on-ignition | GRAV | 1 pct | 1976 |
Manganese | AAS | 5 ppm | 1976 |
Mercury | CV-AAS | 10 ppb | 1976 |
Molybdenum | AAS | 2 ppm | 1976 |
Nickel | AAS | 2 ppm | 1976 |
Silver | AAS | 0.2 ppm | 1976 |
Uranium | NADNC | 0.2 ppm | 1976 |
Zinc | AAS | 2 ppm | 1976 |
variable | method | detection limit | year of analysis |
Uranium | FT | 0.01 ppb | 1976 |
- Acknowledgements:
The reconnaissance surveys were undertaken by the Geological Survey of Canada under the terms of the Federal Uranium Reconnaissance Program.
E.H.W. Hornbrook directed the Geological Survey of Canada activities.
- Collection:
Contractor and supervisor details for sample collection Category Responsible Party Contractor: Supervisor: - Preparation:
Contractor and supervisor details for sample preparation Category Responsible Party Contractor: Supervisor: - Analysis:
Contractor and supervisor details for sample preparation Category Responsible Party Contractor: Supervisor:
- Other information:
For explanation of Analysis methods, field observations refer to G.S.C. Paper 74 - 52.
Full acknowledgements are not included in paper copy of OF 417.
- Date modified: