Survey Metadata

Till, Stream sediment



Sediment sampling survey, Victoria Island, Nunavut, Monopros Ltd., 1996-1997.

Location map

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Survey Description

Between July 2 nd, 1996, and July 25 th, 1997, 833 till, glaciofluvial and stream sediment samples were collected on the Victoria Island Property in west-central Nunavut.  The property is located about 275 km north-west of the community of Cambridge Bay.  Sampling was carried out on NTS sheets 77E/12, 13, 77F/07-16, 77G/01-08, 10, 11, 77H/04, 05, 87E/10, 15, and 87H/01 and 02.  Although the samples cover a wide area bounded by 114° and 107° longitude, the sample distribution is densest on map sheets 77F/10, 14, 15, and 16.  This exploration initiative was led by Monopros Ltd. in joint venture with WMC International Ltd.; it was designed to identify diamond as well as base and precious metal prospects on the associated prospecting permits.

The data can be found in Nunavut Assessment Report 084180.

Publication History

Index Publication
1 Wood, B.D. (1998). Geological assessment report, sediment sampling and exploration drilling. Victoria Island Property. Monopros Limited. Nunavut Assessment Report 084180. ( more)

Geographic Extent

Minimum Latitude Maximum Latitude Minimum Longitude Maximum Longitude
70.63° 70.93° -110.18° -108.3°

The geographic extent of the survey is defined by the following polygons:


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