Survey Metadata

Till, Bedrock, Indicator minerals, Surficial drill core

Ontario, Quebec


Till and bedrock survey, NTS 32D, 42A, Timmins to Val d’Or Ontario and Quebec, 1971-1972.

Location map

(requires an Internet connection)

Survey Description

During the winter of 1971-1972, a drilling program was carried out in the Abitibi clay belt.  A total of 394 rotary drillholes were drilled in eleven areas across the region, from Timmins, ON to Val D’Or, QC.  Over 140 Cobra (percussion) holes were drilled in the Kirkland Lake region.  Approximately 6000 samples of till and bedrock were processed for heavy minerals and analyzed for trace metals.

The data are published in Geological Survey of Canada Open File 116.  The gold content of these samples is published in GSC Open File 945.

Publication History

Index Publication
1 Skinner, R.G. (1972). Drift prospecting in the Abitibi Clay Belt - overburden drilling program - methods and costs. Geological Survey of Canada, Open File 116 (includes a supplement). ( more)
2 DiLabio, R.N.W. (1983). Gold content of overburden samples in the Abitibi Clay Belt Ontario-Quebec. Geological Survey of Canada, Open File 945. ( more)
3 McClenaghan, M.B., Peter, J.M. (2013). Till geochemical signatures of volcanogenic massive sulphide deposits in glaciated terrain: a summary of Canadian examples. Geological Survey of Canada, Open File 7354, 36 p. ( more)
4 McClenaghan M.B., Peter, J.M. (2016). Till geochemical signatures of volcanogenic massive sulfide deposits: an overview of Canadian examples. Geochemistry: Exploration, Environment, Analysis, v. 16, no. 1, p. 27-47. ( more)

Project History

Index Year Project
1 1971-1972 Winter Works Program, Timmins - Val d’Or, Ontario and Quebec, 1971-1972 ( more)

Geographic Extent

Minimum Latitude Maximum Latitude Minimum Longitude Maximum Longitude
48° 49.03° -81.72° -78°

The geographic extent of the survey is defined by the following polygons:

  • Covers parts of NTS 42A/11 (Pamour), /12 (Kamiskotia) and /14 (Buskegau River) in the Timmins area, northern Ontario.  It is bounded to the east by longitude 81°W.  Kamiskotia Lake is found in the western part of the study area and the city of Timmins is located about 6 km south of the study area.

  • Covers parts of NTS 42A/8 (Ramore) and /9 (Matheson) in northern Ontario.  It is located approximately 31 southwest of Lake Abitibi.  Highway 101 runs east-west through the centre of the study area and the city of Matheson is located in the west central part of the study area.

  • Covers part of NTS 32D/13 (Aylen River), 32D/14 (La Sarre), 32E/3 (Villebois) and 32E/4 (Abbotsford Lake) in northern Ontario and west central Quebec.  The Ontario-Quebec border runs north-south through the centre of the study area.  The town of La Sarre is located approximately 20 km southeast of the southern limit of the study area and Lake Abitibi is located about 8 km south.

  • Covers most of NTS 32D/11 (Palmarolle) in the Duparquet region, west central Quebec.  It is bounded to the west by longitude 79.5°W and to the north by Lake Abitibi.  Highway 388 runs east-west through the southern part of the study area.

  • Covers part of NTS 32D/6 (Rivière Kanasuta) in western Quebec.  The centre of the study area is located 19 km northwest of Rouyn-Noranda and 13 km west of Highway 101.  Lac Nora and Lac Flavrian are found within the study area.

  • Covers parts of 32D/4 (Larder Lake), 32D/5 (Magusi River) and 42A/1 (Kirkland Lake) in northern Ontario.  The centre of the study area is located about 34 km west of the Ontario-Quebec border.  Highway 66 runs east-west through most of the study area.

  • Covers parts of NTS 32D/8 (La Motte) and 32D/98 (Amos) in the Amos region, western Quebec.  Lac Figuery is located in the central part of the study area and Highway 109 runs north-south through the central part of the study area.


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