Survey Metadata


British Columbia


Till sampling survey, NTS 92L/5, 6, 11, 12, northern Vancouver Island, 1991, 1993 and 1994.

Location map

(requires an Internet connection)

Survey Description

During the summers of 1991, 1993 and 1994, approximately 450 till samples were collected on northern Vancouver Island.  Samples included various types of till, undifferentiated colluvium and glaciofluvial sediments and ranged in size from 1-5 kg.

The data are published in British Columbia Geological Survey Open Files 1992-21 (1991 data only) and 1996-7 (basal till and colluviated basal till, all years; n=435).

Data Description:

Paper reports with data lists.  Report and data files can be downloaded from BC Geological Survey Pulications site.

Quantities Analysed:

OF 1992-21: 0.250-0.125 mm (after pulverization), 0.125-0.63 mm, and <0.063 mm fractions by INAA for 27 elements and by ICP-AES after aqua regia for 29 elements

OF 1996-7: <0.063 mm fraction by INAA for 35 elements; by ICP-AES after aqua regia digestion for 30 elements; major element oxides by ICP; LOI.

Geochem Maps Available:

Proportional dot maps showing dispersal of elements.

A summary of the work is detailed below:


Year of Collection NTS Sampling Density BC Open File Comments
1991 92L/12 regional + more detailed sampling around Island CopperMine (n=36; some from NTS 92L/11W)



Open File 1996-7 also includes data from 1993 and 1994.

36 sdamples were collected around




regional 1996-7 Open File 1996-7 also includes data from 1991 and 1994.
1994 92L/5 regional + more detailed sampling around Island Copper Mine 1996-7

Open File 1996-7 also includes data from 1991 and 1993.

Island Copper samples collected in 1994 are plotted on the map but do not seem to be in the data files.



Publication History

Index Publication
1 Kerr, D., Sibbick, S.J., Jackaman, W. (1992). Till geochemistry of the Quatsino map area. British Columbia Geological Survey Branch Open File 1992-21. ( more)
2 Bobrowsky, P.T., Sibbick, S.J. (1996). Till geochemistry of northern Vancouver Island area. British Columbia Geological Survey Branch Open File 1996-7. ( more)
3 Jackaman, W. (2013). Northern Vancouver Island till sample reanalysis (ICP-MS). Geoscience BC, Report 2013-12, 8 p. ( more)
4 Jackaman, W., Lett, R. (2013). Updating the British Columbia regional geochemical survey database with new field survey and sample reanalysis data to support mineral exploration.  Poster presented at AME BC 30 th Annual Mineral Exploration Roundup 2013, Vancouver, British Columbia, Janaury 27-31, 2013. ( more)
5 Jackaman, W., Lett, R.E.W. (2013). Updating the British Columbia regional geochemical survey database with new field survey and sample reanalysis data to support mineral exploration (NTS 082F, K, 092K, L, 093J, 102I). In Geoscience BC Summary of Activities 2012, Geoscience BC, Report 2013-1, p. 5-10. ( more)

Project History

Index Year Project
1 1991-1994 Northern Vancouver Island drift prospecting project, 1991-1994 ( more)
2 2012-2013 Northern Vancouver Island Exploration Project, 2012 ( more)

Geographic Extent

Minimum Latitude Maximum Latitude Minimum Longitude Maximum Longitude
50.25° 50.75° -128° -127.25°

The geographic extent of the survey is defined by the following polygons:

  • Covers NTS 92L/5 (Mahatta Creek) and 92L/12 (Quatsino) and the western parts of 92L/6 (Alice Lake) and 92L/11 (Port McNeill) on northern Vancouver Island in an area south and west of Port Hardy.  It is bounded to the northeast by Queen Charlotte Strait and to the southwest by Brooks Bay.  Quatsino Sound and Holberg Inlet cross through the central part of the study area.


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