Survey Metadata

Till, Indicator minerals



Till sampling survey, NTS 62H, I, 52L, southeastern Manitoba, 1997-1998.

Location map

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Survey Description

In 1997 and 1998, a total of 178 till samples were collected from surface exposures in southeastern Manitoba.  The data (including for indicator minerals) are published in Manitoba Geological Survey Open File 2009-13 along with data from samples collected south of the area and previously published in Geological Survey of Canada Open File 2750.

The data are also part of two compilations in Manitoba Agriculture and Resource Development open files OF2020-2 and OF2020-3.

Publication History

Index Publication
1 Thorleifson, L.H., Matile, G.L.D., Keller, G.R., Hauck, S.A. (2009). Till geochemical and indicator mineral reconnaissance of southeastern Manitoba (west half of NTS 52E and 52L and all of 62H and 62I): final results. Manitoba Geological Survey, Open File 2009-13. ( more)
2 Gauthier, M.S. (2020). Manitoba till-matrix geochemistry compilation 1: silt plus clay (<63 μm) size-fraction by instrumental neutron activation analysis. Manitoba Agriculture and Resource Development, Manitoba Geological Survey, Open File OF2020-2, 6 p. ( more)
3 Gauthier, M.S. (2020). Manitoba till-matrix geochemistry compilation 2: silt plus clay (<63 μm) size-fraction by inductively coupled plasma–mass spectrometry after an aqua-regia or modified aqua-regia digestion. Manitoba Agriculture and Resource Development, Manitoba Geological Survey, Open File OF2020-3, 6 p. ( more)

Project History

Index Year Project
2 1991-1998 Southeastern Manitoba till sand indicator mineral reconnaissance project, 1991-92 and 1997-98. ( more)
1 2020 Manitoba Till Geochemistry Compilation Project, 2020. ( more)

Geographic Extent

Minimum Latitude Maximum Latitude Minimum Longitude Maximum Longitude
49° 51° -98° -95°

The geographic extent of the survey is defined by the following polygons:

  • Covers most of NTS 62I (Selkirk), part of NTS 62H (Winnipeg), and the western half of 52L (Pointe du Bois) in Manitoba and Ontario.  It is bounded to the west by 98° W longitude and to the north by 51° N latitude.


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