Survey Metadata


Nova Scotia


Till sampling survey, NTS 21A/6, Kejimkujik National Park area, Nova Scotia, 2000-2001.

Location map

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Survey Description

In 2000 and 2001, 97 till samples were collected in the Kejimkujik National Park area, southwestern Nova Scotia.  This is part of a study to research the potential source(s) and process(es) that may account for anomalous mercury (Hg) levels in loons from the park.  The data are published in Nova Scotia Minerals and Energy Branch Report 2002-1.

Data Description:

Paper report; summary data only.

Quantities Analysed:

<0.063 mm fraction by CV-AAS for Hg.

Geochem Maps Available:


Publication History

Index Publication
1 Goodwin, T. A. (2002). Mercury in till, Kejimkujik National Park area (NTS 21A06). In Report of Activities 2001, Nova Scotia Minerals and Energy Branch, Report ME 2002-1 p. 43-49. ( more)
2 Sicilicano, S.D., Sangster, A., Daughney, C.J., Loseto, L., Germida, J.J., Rencz, A.N., O’Driscoll, N.J., Lean, D.R.S. (2003). Are methylmercury concentrations in the wetlands of Kejimkujik National Park, Nova Scotia, Canada, dependent on geology? Journal of Environmental Quality, v. 32, p. 2085-2094. ( more)

Project History

Index Year Project
1 2000-2002 Kejimkujik National Park area Till Project, 2000-2001 ( more)

Geographic Extent

Minimum Latitude Maximum Latitude Minimum Longitude Maximum Longitude
44.25° 44.5° -65.5° -65.25°

The geographic extent of the survey is defined by the following polygons:

  • Covers the western half of NTS 21A/6 (Kejimkujik Lake), in the Kejimkujik National park area, southwest Nova Scotia.  Its northwest corner is located approximately 25 km southeast of Digby, NS.


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