GSC Open File Release Notices

Archived information

The text below is an exact reproduction of the original release notice, which was often unilingual.  It contains information that is not readily available elsewhere.  The information on pricing and availability is out of date.

Release Notice Text


Index-level database for lode gold deposits of the world; C.L. Jenkins, R. Vincent, F. Robert, K.H. Poulsen, D.F. Garson, J.A. Blondé, 20 p. + 1 colour map/carte en couleurs, scale/échelle 1:35 000 000.


1 diskette containing compressed data files in Microsoft Access 7.0, Excel 3.0, dBase III, and ASCII formats/ 1 disquette comprenant les données comprimées en formats Microsoft Access 7.0, Excel 3.0, dBase III et ASCII).

Industrial Partners Program Project 940003 involving the Geological Suvey of Canada and INMET Mining Corporation (formerly Metall Mining Corporation)./ Projet 940003 du Programme des partenaires industriels auquel participent la Commission géologique du Canada et la Corporation minière INMET (anciennement la Corporation minière Metall).

Sales/Distributeur: GSC/CGC (Ottawa)


3490 - $43.70 (*$56.85

D3490 - $15.00 (*$19.50)


{#1073, August 1997 circular}


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