GSC Open File Release Notices

Archived information

The text below is an exact reproduction of the original release notice, which was often unilingual.  It contains information that is not readily available elsewhere.  The information on pricing and availability is out of date.

Release Notice Text


Borehole geophysical logs in tin mining and exploration: East Kemptville area, Nova Scotia; G.R. Bernius, P.G. Killeen, B.E. Elliott, R.C. McLeod, 36 p.

Results of multiparameter geophysical logs in 9 holes in the East Kemptville tin mine, the Dominique tin deposit and the Duck Pond prospect.

Résultats de diagraphies multiparamétriques effectuées dans neuf trous de la mine d'étain d'East Kemptville, du gisement d'étain de Dominique et du prospect de Duck Pond.

Contribution to Canada-Nova Scotia Cooperation Agreement on Mineral Development (1990-1992), a subsidiary agreement under the Canada-Nova Scotia Economic and Regional Development Agreement.

Contribution à l'Entente de coopération Canada-Nouvelle-Écosse sur l'exploitation minérale (1990-1992), entente auxiliaire négociée en vertu de l'Entente Canada-Nouvelle-Écosse de développement économique et régional.

Viewing/Consultation: Nova Scotia Department of Natural Resources/Ministère des ressources naturelles de la Nouvelle-Écosse, Halifax

Sales/Distributeur: GSC/CGC (Ottawa), Precision Microfilming Services Ltd., Halifax

Price/Prix: $27.30 (*$35.50)


{#1068, March 1997 circular}


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