GSC Open File Release Notices

Archived information

The text below is an exact reproduction of the original release notice, which was often unilingual.  It contains information that is not readily available elsewhere.  The information on pricing and availability is out of date.

Release Notice Text


Helicopter borne geophysical surveys at the Val Gagne Test Site, District of Cochrane, Ontario (NTS 42A/10); G.J. Palacky, 16 p., 5 maps/cartes, scale/échelle 1:10 000.

Contribution to Canada-Ontario 1985 Mineral Development Subsidiary Agreement under the Economic and Regional Development Agreement./ Contribution à l’Entente Canada-Ontario sur l’exploitation minérale 1985 dans le cadre de l’Entente de développement économique et regional.

Viewing/Consultation: Ontario Geological Survey, Toronto

Sales/Distributeur: Ashley Reproductions, Ottawa

Price/Prix: $11.00


{#1020, July/August 1992 circular}


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