GSC Open File Release Notices

Archived information

The text below is an exact reproduction of the original release notice, which was often unilingual.  It contains information that is not readily available elsewhere.  The information on pricing and availability is out of date.

Release Notice Text


AIRBORNE GAMMA RAY SPECTROMETRIC MAPS, PROSPEROUS LAKE-HIDDEN LAKE AREA, NORTHWEST TERRITORIES (85I/12, J/9 (E½), Parts of 84I/11, 5, 6, 13, 14, J/8); 11 colour maps (8 gamma ray spectrometric, 1 total field magnetic, 2 VLF) at 1:150 000 and 66 stacked profiles displaying 11 parameters at 1:150 000.

Release date/Date de diffusion: 13h00 EDT/HAE, 26 July 1989/le 26 juillet 1989

Viewing/Consultation: GSC/CGC Vancouver, Ottawa; DIAND, Yellowknife

Sales/Distributeur: Ashley Reproductions, Ottawa

Price/Prix: $109.50


{#986, July 1989 circular}


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