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Sicilicano, S.D., Sangster, A., Daughney, C.J., Loseto, L., Germida, J.J., Rencz, A.N., O’Driscoll, N.J., Lean, D.R.S. (2003). Are methylmercury concentrations in the wetlands of Kejimkujik National Park, Nova Scotia, Canada, dependent on geology? Journal of Environmental Quality, v. 32, p. 2085-2094.

Survey Coverage

Index Survey
Till sampling survey, NTS 21A/6, Kejimkujik National Park area, Nova Scotia, 2000-2001. ( more)


Index Citation Download
1 Are methylmercury concentrations in the wetlands of Kejimkujik National Park, Nova Scotia, Canada dependent on geology?; Siciliano, S D; Sangster, A; Daughney, C J; Loseto, L; Germida, J J; Rencz, A N; O’Driscoll, N J; Lean, D R S. Journal of Environmental Quality Vol. 32, No. 6, 2003; pages 2085-2094(GSC Cont.# 2002153) ( more) -
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