Publication Metadata

Lett, R., Jackaman, W. (2002). Geochemical exploration models; Volume 1, VMS deposits in south central British Columbia (NTS 82L/13, L/14, 82M/5, M/6 and 92P/1E). British Columbia Geological Survey Branch, Open File 2000-31, 34p.

Some or all of the raw data associated with this publication have been loaded into the "Canadian Database of Geochemical Surveys" and subsequently converted into easy-to-use MS Excel spreadsheets.  Follow the links in the "Survey Coverage" section below to determine exactly what data are available.

Survey Coverage

Index Survey
Till sampling survey, NTS 82M/4, 5 southeastern British Columbia, 1996. ( more)
Soil and till sampling, NTS 92P/1, Mount Armour area, south central British Columbia, 1997-1998. ( more)
Soil and till sampling, NTS 82M/4, Adams Lake area, south central British Columbia, 1996-1997. ( more)
Soil and till sampling, NTS 82M/5, North Barriere Lake area, south central British Columbia, 1997-1998. ( more)
Till sampling, NTS 82M/4, Adams Lake-Agate Bay area, south central British Columbia, 1997. ( more)
Soil and till sampling, NTS 82M/4, Spar deposit, south central British Columbia, 1998. ( more)
Soil and till sampling, NTS 82L/14, Scotch Creek area, south central British Columbia, 1998. ( more)
Till sampling survey, NTS 92P, southern British Columbia, 1997. ( more)
Till sampling survey, NTS 82L, 83M, southern British Columbia, 1998. ( more)
NGR stream sediment and water survey, NTS 82L, British Columbia, 1976 ( more)
NGR stream sediment and water survey, part of NTS 82M, Southeastern British Columbia, 1977 ( more)
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