Dossiers publics PNRG

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Dossier Public 1215

Open File:  1215
Previous OF publication(s):  1107
Province / Territory:  British Columbia
Funding Source:  Federal and Provincial (1984); Provincial (1985)
Year of Collection:  1984

Survey Type:  Regional Stream Survey
# Lake sites:  0
# Stream sites:  1119
Survey Area:  14772 km²
NTS Sheet(s):  093H

The regional stream sediment and water survey of the McBride, British Columbia map sheet (NTS 93H) was conducted during the summers of 1984 and 1985.

The east half of 93G and west half of 93H were sampled in 1984 and the data was released as Open File 1107 (published 1985). Additional sampling undertaken in 1985 covered the remaining portions of 93G and 93H.This report presents analytical and statistical data for up to 17 elements (V for 1984 samples only) in stream sediments from 1,119 sample sites, collected at an average density of one sample per 13.2 km². Loss-on-ignition in sediments (1984 only), and uranium, fluoride, and pH values in waters from these sites are included in this report.

location map for Open File 1215
legend to accompany location map for Open File

Analytical Data

variable method detection limit year of analysis
Antimony HY-AAS 0.2 ppm 1984
Arsenic HY-AAS 1 ppm 1984
Barium AAS 40 ppm 1984
Cadmium AAS 0.2 ppm 1984
Cobalt AAS 2 ppm 1984
Copper AAS 2 ppm 1984
Iron AAS 0.02 pct 1984
Lead AAS 2 ppm 1984
Loss-on-ignition GRAV 1 pct 1984
Manganese AAS 5 ppm 1984
Mercury CV-AAS 10 ppb 1984
Molybdenum AAS 2 ppm 1984
Nickel AAS 2 ppm 1984
Silver AAS 0.2 ppm 1984
Tungsten COL 2 ppm 1984
Uranium NADNC 0.5 ppm 1984
Vanadium AAS 5 ppm 1984
Zinc AAS 2 ppm 1984
variable method detection limit year of analysis
Fluoride FT 20 ppb 1984
Uranium LIF 0.05 ppb 1984
pH GCM 1984


The reconnaissance surveys were undertaken by the Geological Survey of Canada in conjunction with the British Columbia Ministry of Energy Mines and Petroleum Resources. The initial survey was under a "letter" of understanding for a cooperative project while the 1985 survey was under the auspices of the Canada - British Columbia Mineral Development Agreement (1985-1990).

W.M. Johnson directed the British Columbia Ministry of Energy Mines and Petroleum Resources activities (1984, 1985).

E.H.W. Hornbrook directed the Geological Survey of Canada activities (1984, 1985).

Contractor and supervisor details for sample collection
Category Responsible Party
Contractor: McElhanney Consulting Services, Vancouver, BC
Supervisor: H.R. Schmitt, GSC (1984); A. Boronowski, BCMEMPR (1985)
Contractor and supervisor details for sample preparation
Category Responsible Party
Contractor: Golder Associates, Ottawa, ON (1984) Kamloops Research and Assay Laboratory Ltd., Kamloops, BC (1985)
Supervisor: J.J. Lynch, GSC (1984); W.M. Johnson, BCMEMPR (1985)
Contractor and supervisor details for sample preparation
Category Responsible Party
Contractor: Barringer Magenta Ltd., Rexdale, ON (1984) Barringer Magenta (Alberta), Ltd., Calgary, AB (1984) Bondar-Clegg & Company Ltd., Ottawa, ON (1985) Chemex Labs, Ltd. North Vancouver, BC (1985
Supervisor: J.J. Lynch, GSC (1984); W.M. Johnson, BCMEMPR (1985)

Other information:

Additional sampling undertaken in 1985 to cover the remaining portion of 93H mapsheet.

Analysis was in 1984 and 1985 for all elements with the exception of V and LOI which were not done in 1985.

Date de modification